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OLI Electrical Vibrators (Pty) Ltd

MVE-Food Stainless Steel

MVE-Food Stainless Steel

MVE External Electric Motovibrators consist of an electric motor housed in a sturdy FMEA-designed cast casing, with eccentric weights fitted on both shaft ends.


MVE External Stainless Steel Electric Motovibrators can be used as flow aids, on bin activators to improve material discharge, and as drives on vibrating machines for several purposes such as conveying, screening, sizing, mainly in the food processing industry, as weel as chemical or pharmaceutical industry.

When the MVE is switched on a sinusoidal centrifugal force is provided by rotation of the eccentric weights. With only one MVE fitted on a vibrating machine a rotating force is provided resulting in a circular movement of the machine. Two counter-rotating MVE fitted in parallel on the same machine provide a linear force resulting in a linear movement of the machine. The requirement of circular or linear movement depends on the application.



  • Centrifugal force: 105 ~ 1,122 kg
  • Vacuum-impregnated windings using Class F insulating materials
  • Premium quality bearings
  • Sturdy FMEA-designed casing
  • ATEX ExII3D and ETL Class II Division 2 certification for hazardous environments
  • AISI 316 body with AISI 304 mass covers



  • Corrosion resistant specifically developed for food applications
  • Smooth Shape that improve sanitation of the equipment avoiding product, detergents and micro-organism residues
  • Water and Moisture proof: outstanding sealing against water and moisture
  • Multiple voltages matching electric specifications worldwide



  • 2, 4, 6, 8 poles three-phase


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